Position Vacant - Qualified Mechanic, please contact via email - info@platinumautomotives.com.au

New Car Servicing
Servicing Without Voiding Warranty
Did you know that we can do new car servicing without voiding your manufacturers warranty? We can perform new car servicing on all makes and models of vehicles. You don’t need to have your car serviced by your dealer to maintain that new car warranty.
Once your service is complete, our qualified technicians will stamp your vehicles handbook as a record of regular maintenance. This can be very important when it comes to achieving a higher resale value for your car.
Here are the facts about your new car’s statutory warranty.
A Platinum Automotives service will NOT void your statutory warranty.
A Platinum Automotives service strictly follows all the procedures recommended by your vehicles manufacturer.
Platinum Automotives only uses high quality service parts
It's your car and you DO have a choice.
Platinum Automotives will give your vehicle handbook the stamp of approval.

What Is Statutory Warranty?
Statutory Warranties are implied by law and give consumers a minimum level of protection for goods and services. Statutory warranties are different to Express Warranties. A dealer or manufacturer may give an Express Warranty which will have its own conditions which you should review. However, these conditions cannot override Statutory Warranties. Further information on warranties is available from the ACCC on their website.